Parishioners can request for automatic withdrawal contributions (pre-authorized debit) by contacting Rachel Cahill at 204-223-6091 or
La Salle Knights of Columbus Council #7793
Executive Contacts:
Grand Knight - Christopher Lippens
Deputy Grand Knight - Jim Lane
Financial Secretary - Georges Cormier
Faith Director - Claude Lagace
Chaplain - Father Gabriel Levesque

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic-based fraternity started in 1882 by the Blessed Father Michael J McGivney. Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie: it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic church, while enhancing your own faith. It is about protecting and enhancing family life.
In La Salle since 1983, the Knights of Columbus work hard to be actively involved in our parish and larger community. Where possible we assist the parish as requested by providing help and financial assistance with various activities and maintenance. We also look for opportunities to assist the community of La Salle and surrounding area by such things as cooking and serving pancake breakfast for Breakfast with Santa, putting a float in the local Christmas Parade, bartending for and helping out at the local Caisse Community Centre, providing post-secondary scholarships, running food drives with donations being made to the Holy Cross Food Bank, assisting with various prolife events in our community and across the province and much more.
The Knights of Columbus La Salle Council is always looking for new members. If you are interested in assisting or joining our council or if you have some questions for us, please reach out any of our members or email the Grand Knight. Also consider checking out the KofC Supreme website or the Manitoba website.
La Salle Knights of Columbus council #7793
Grand Knight – Christopher Lippens