Parishioners can request for automatic withdrawal contributions (pre-authorized debit) by contacting Rachel Cahill at 204-223-6091 or
Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.
We look forward to the day when we can once again resume Sunday Coffee Time after mass!

Creating Safe Environments
Working Together for A Safe and Respectful Church Environment
STRENGTHENING OUR PARISH COMMUNITIES is a core standard of care embraced by all clergy, religious orders of clerics, sisters and brothers, employees and volunteers working in parishes and ministries of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg. The core standard of care involves policies and procedures designed to create and maintain a safe environment in our parishes and programs.
This standard of care includes assessing all activities in parishes and ministries of the Diocese to identify all positions especially those which could put children, youth or other vulnerable persons at risk of being harmed. The goal at all times is the protection and safety of our children, our vulnerable people, our volunteers, our clergy, religious, employees, volunteers and our Church.
In order to ensure the greatest care it is essential that all positions are assessed, assigned appropriate risk levels and that appropriate screening, management practices and follow up are maintained consistently throughout the Diocese.
The purpose of the Safe Environment Handbook is to assist parishes in making their own successful programs by incorporating best practices in the areas of child, youth and vulnerable person safety, policies of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg and Ecclesiastical Insurance standards.
If you have any questions or concerns, or you would like to schedule Safe Environment training in your parish, please contact:
Laura Cumming, Director of Human Resources, at 204-452-2227 extension 227 or at
Carla A'Bear, Payroll Administrator/Human Resource Assistant at 204-452-2227 extension 275 or