Parishioners can request for automatic withdrawal contributions (pre-authorized debit) by contacting Rachel Cahill at 204-223-6091 or
Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.
Stay for Coffee Time after Sunday Mass!

Latest News
Annual Spaghetti Dinner: mark your calendars - Friday, May 9th, 2025. Details to follow.
Why Catholic? There will be no session this month, next session is March 27th.
Matt Falk Comedy Event: Mark your calendars! Presented by Meridian Inter-Church Council. Friday, March 21st at 7pm at La Salle Fellowship Church. More details to follow.
Knights of Columbus Cash Bingo: Sunday, February 16th at 1pm at the Caisse Community Centre.
Prayer Wall: did you now that our parish website has a Prayer Wall that can be used to requests prayers for individuals, families and special intentions? To add your requests, visit the support - prayer wall page.
Our columbarium has arrived! Information pamphlets can be picked up in the church entrance.
Are you receiving the parish bulletin electronically? If you are not receiving the bulletin and would like to, please contact the parish office.
Volunteers for Liturgical Ministries: we are so grateful for the volunteers our parish has already. Thank you so much! We're looking for more lectors, altar-servers, communion ministers, sacristans. Find joy in serving your parish community through an essential ministry! Training will be offered in upcoming weeks.
Aid and Support after Pregnancy (ASAP): as a faith community, we hope to continually help mothers and babies by supporting pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes in Winnipeg and beyond. The Knights of Columbus are collecting the top three items needed - diapers, formula and financial donations - in support of mothers, their babies and their families. Please drop off at the dresser in the church entrance.
Father Gabriel will be pleased to make himself available to you for confession, for a visit and bring Holy Communion to your residence, for the Anointing of the Sick or for a House Blessing. Make arrangements with him according to your needs.
Mass Intentions: you can request a mass to be said for loved ones, deceased persons, celebrations and special occasions for $10. There are mass intention envelopes at the church entrance that can be placed in the offertory basket or contact the Parish office.
Welcome to New Parishioners - We Are Happy You Are Here! To register with the St. Hyacinthe Parish, please complete the yellow Registration Form found in the church entrance. Registering with the parish gives us contact information to send eBulletins, financial statements, and important notices. Should you require donation envelopes, see Rachel Cahill or Gayle Hansen to be assigned a number. Donation envelopes are for your income tax deductions and receipts issued for the tax year. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome!
Donations to the Parish: thank you to everyone for getting their donations in! Please do not forget your parish and your usual God's Share. Envelopes can be dropped off at the rectory or mailed in.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who keeps our parish up and running! For dropping off your Sunday donations, for book deliveries, for our Catechism program, for overseeing the church furnace repairs, for the music ministry and mass live-stream; we are all doing our part! Please keep our parish in your prayers.
​Important Websites
Important Information
Collections Ministry Schedule - Jan to April 2025