Parishioners can request for automatic withdrawal contributions (pre-authorized debit) by contacting Rachel Cahill at 204-223-6091 or
Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.
Stay for Coffee Time after Sunday Mass!
Latest News
Catechism Classes: will resume Sunday, January 5th, 2025.
Our columbarium has arrived! Information pamphlets can be picked up in the church entrance.
Catechism Annual Toy Drive: the Catechism program is collecting toys for the Rossbrook House from December 1st - 22nd for children ages 0-14 years of age. Please choose an angel ornament with an age group listed on it and purchase an item for that age group, monetary donations are also gratefully accepted.
Knights of Columbus Advent Drive: From December 7th to 22nd, the Knights will be collecting non-perishable food, baby needs and personal hygiene items for the needy.
Are you receiving the parish bulletin electronically? If you are not receiving the bulletin and would like to, please contact the parish office.
Volunteers for Liturgical Ministries: we are so grateful for the volunteers our parish has already. Thank you so much! We're looking for more lectors, altar-servers, communion ministers, sacristans. Find joy in serving your parish community through an essential ministry! Training will be offered in upcoming weeks.
Aid and Support after Pregnancy (ASAP): the Knights of Columbus La Salle Council is always collecting diapers, formula and baby items in support of mothers, their babies and their families. Please drop off in or near the dresser located in the church entrance.
Father Gabriel will be pleased to make himself available to you for confession, for a visit and bring Holy Communion to your residence, for the Anointing of the Sick or for a House Blessing. Make arrangements with him according to your needs.
Mass Intentions: to celebrate the memory of a deceased loved one, or for a special personal intention, or in thanksgiving for an anniversary or a prayer answered...there are different reasons to want to celebrate a Mass Intention with the church community. The parish is currently low on Mass Intentions. $10 suggested per Mass Intention. Contact the parish office today.
Welcome to New Parishioners - We Are Happy You Are Here! To register with the St. Hyacinthe Parish, please complete the yellow Registration Form found in the church entrance. Registering with the parish gives us contact information to send eBulletins, financial statements, and important notices. Should you require donation envelopes, see Rachel Cahill or Gayle Hansen to be assigned a number. Donation envelopes are for your income tax deductions and receipts issued for the tax year. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome!
Donations to the Parish: thank you to everyone for getting their donations in! Please do not forget your parish and your usual God's Share. Envelopes can be dropped off at the rectory or mailed in.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who keeps our parish up and running! For dropping off your Sunday donations, for book deliveries, for our Catechism program, for overseeing the church furnace repairs, for the music ministry and mass live-stream; we are all doing our part! Please keep our parish in your prayers.